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Lisa Lehner
Cornell University

Lisa Lehner is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Science & Technology Studies, Cornell University, and was previously affiliated with the Department of Science-Technology-Society at the University of Vienna and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Health Promotion Research. She works at the intersection of Science Studies, Medical Anthropology, Critical Public Health, and Multispecies Research. Her current project is exploring patients’ experiences living with and getting treated for Hepatitis C viral infections. She is a member of the SoNAR-Global Network for infectious disease preparedness, and is a past recipient of a Dan David Prize Scholarship in the field of “Bioethics” for her dissertation project and the Austrian State Prize recognizing excellent Master’s degree graduates. Lisa is also a lecturer at the University of Vienna.

She has been awarded a Writing-Up fellowship of the KLI to complete her PhD thesis.

Lisa's personal website:

SoNAR-Global at the Medical University of Vienna: