Event Details

This working group will explore the value of evolutionary mechanisms for explaining complex social-ecological change, with a focus on developing sustainability theory to address real world problems and improve governance and transformation of social-ecological systems.
The working group will be co-led by two scholars (Waring & Schlüter) from the evolutionary and sustainability fields and will take place via three meetings at the KLI over 1.5 years. The first two meetings will convene a group of 8 researchers (“theory group”) to accomplish the integrative theoretical work. The third meeting will also include an another ~6 researchers who will work to apply the outputs the core group has developed to specific SES research contexts. The application group will be revised during the first meeting and solicited between the first and second meeting.
Tim Waring (Mitchell Center, University of Maine)
Maja Schlüter (Stockholm Resilience Center, Stockholm University)
Theory Group Collaborators:
Monique Borgerhoff-Mulder, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology |
Thomas Currie, University of Exeter |
Carl Folke, Stockholm Resilience Center, Beijer Institute, RSAS |
Laurel Fogarty, Max Planck for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig |
Jamila Haider, Stockholm Resilience Center |
Peter Jørgensen, Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics |
Alessandro Tavoni, University of Bologna |