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Rupert Riedl (Konrad Lorenz Institute) Welcome Address Fritz Stadler (Universität Wien) Mach, Boltzmann, and the Vienna Circle: Naturalism in the Context of Logical Empiricism Steve Fuller (University of Durham) What Can the Conflict Between Positivism and Pragmatism Teach Us About the Contemporary Viability of Evolutionary Naturalism? I: Evolutionary Epistemology Unified "From the Amoeba to Einstein": Philosophy as Continuous with Science Werner Callebaut (Konrad Lorenz Institute) and Karola Stotz (Konrad Lorenz Institute) Keynote address; Evolutionary Naturalism and the Challenge of Cognitive Development and Sociality Ronald N. Giere (University of Minnesota) Methodological Naturalism II: Evolutionary Naturalism: A Plausible Candidate for an Integral Epistemology? Massimo Stanzione (Università di Salerno) Open Questions in Evolutionary Epistemology: Reduction and/or Supervenience Robert J. Richards (University of Chicago) Darwin's Romantic Biology Linnda R. Caporael (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) Expanding the Functional Unit III: The Konrad Lorenz Legacy Robert J. Richards (University of Chicago) The Foundations of Konrad Lornez's Evolutionary Theory of Behavior Rupert Riedl (Konrad Lorenz Institute) Personal Reminiscences of Konrad Lorenz IV: Developmental Perspectives on Evolution Robert J. Richards (University of Chicago) Darwin's Use of von Baer for Recapitulation Theory Gerd B. Müller (University of Vienna & Konrad Lorenz Institute) Evolutionary Structuralism and the Concept of Burden Robert C. Richardson (University of Cincinnati) Generative Entrenchment and the Developmental Lock Model Paul E. Griffiths (University of Otago) Biology without Boundaries: Beyond Interactio nand Constraint V: Social Conditions of Cognition Linnda R. Caporael (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) The Descent of Knowledge Ludwig Huber (University of Vienna) At the Core of Evolutionary Epistemology: Animal Learning and the Evolution of Cognition Hans G. Furth (Catholic University of America) The Societal and Libidinam Nature of Object (=Mental) Knowledge in Human Development VI: Comprehensive Evolutionary Naturalism Ludwig Grillich (Konrad Lorenz Institute) The View from Psychology Werner Callebaut (Konrad Lorenz Institute) The View from Philosophy W. D. Christensen and C. A. Hooker (University of New South Wales) The Organization of Knowledge: An Autonomy-Theoretic Critique of Evolutionary Epistemology William C. Wimsatt (University of Chicago) Generative Entrenchment and the Evolution of Complexity in Scientific Systems James R. Griesemer (University of California, Davis) False (Evolutionary) Models as Means to a Robust Synthesis